Carlton's Life List

Okay here is a list of some of the stuff that I want to do in my life.  Some of it is just silly, some of it is just stupid, some of it I may never get to do, and some are just things that most people do everyday but that I have never done.  They are in no particular order, but I will. try to give a code afterwards about if I think it will take a small amount of time and money or a large amount of time and money.  If something gets crossed out, it means I finished it (go me!) and there will hopefully be a link to a blog post with some pics or something like that.

So, without further ado, here is the list as it stands:

1. Make two beanies for my friends. (Te, Me)
2. Make an Apron. (Te, Me)
3. Build my own guitar. (Tm, Me)
4. Spend Christmas in Australia. (Te, Mh)
5. Get a level 1 Judgeship in MTG. (Th, Me)
6. Go to the Omaha Zoo. (Te, Me)
7. Create a blog and update it for a year. (Th, Me)
8. Take a craft book and do all the projects in it. (Th, Mm)
9. Make a coin ring. (Te, Me)
10. Complete all 72 items on the Zen list to simplify your life. (Th, Me)
11. Create and print my own banknote. (Th, Mm)
12. Write and publish a book. (Th, Mm)
13. Visit the Island of Sark. (Te, Mh)
14. Visit the island of Pitkern. (Th, Mh)
15. Build a balsa wood model airplane. (Tm, Me)
16. Enter and finish the Never Ending (coin) Clearing Contest. (Te, Me)
17. Visit Japan. (Te, Mh)
18. Visit all 7 Continents. (Th, Mh)
19. Write 100 letters in a year. (Tm, Me)
20. Visit all the World Heritage Sites (Th, Mh)
21. Visit Rome (Te, Mh)
22. Visit England and Ireland (Te, Mh)
23. Visit every state (Tm, Mm)
24. Visit the testing spot of the first atomic bomb. (Te, Me)
25. Finish my quilt. (Tm, Me)
26. Own an 1804 silver dollar. (Te, Mhhhh)
27. Finish my cross stitch projects. (Te, Me)
28. Hike the Appalachian trail. (Th, Me)
29. Get an article published. (Te, Me)
30. Get into shape! (Th, Me)
31. Win first place at the State Fair in something. (Te, Me)
32. Finish Final Fantasy VII. (Th, Me)
33. Beat all the video games I own. (Thh, Me)
34. Complete the Pokedex. (Th, Me)
35. Read every book I own. (Thh, Me)
36. Read the top 200 classics. (Thh, Me)
37. Go skydiving. (Te, Me)
38. Watch AFI top 100 movies. (Tm, Me)
39. Play the stock market. (Te, Mh)
40. Make a web comic. (Th, Me)
41. Write an anime. (Tm, Me)
42. Visit Machu Picchu. (Tm, Mh)
43. Learn to play guitar. (Tm, Me)
44. Create my own drink or shot. (Te, Me)
45. Complete the Dansco 7070 album. (Tm, Mm)
46. Visit Normandy. (Te, Mh)
47. Bike from Alaska to Texas. (Th, Mm)
48. Visit Stalingrad. (Te, Mh)
49. Become an ordained minister. (Te, Me)
50. Drive Across the US. (Th, Mm)


  1. :D Great goals :D I'd love to do some myself, like going to Japan, writing a book, reading 200 classics or visiting England ^-^

    :D FIGHTING!!!

    1. I will post what my list looks like now (a bunch of beat up papers) but this is probably only about a sixth of what is on there right now. Hopefully, I will find the time to do them all! :D

    2. I wish you all the best for your goals :))

  2. Hi Carlton, I saw your ad on Julie's penpal blog. :) Soooo, where's the list of the top 200 classics? When I google it, I get a bunch of random results. I've been in a happy (well, sometimes bloody, but happy) tunnel of fantasy, scifi, paranormal, and dystopia. But, I used to love classics. I haven't read one in ages. :o (Unless poetry counts.)

    1. Well, if you can search for a basic list of 100; that is where most people stop. The problem of course is that not everybody agrees on which books should be on there, so I expanded it to 200. There is even a couple lists of the 1000 or 1001 books that you should read before you die O.o I am just going to start with 200 for now haha.

    2. Well, if you decide you'd like to write to someone and discuss them, I'd be willing to coordinate reading some at the same time as you. :) (I can't zoom through the list though because I'm not willing to give up all my current reads. I'm pretty sure at least 90% of those classics are going to be depressing. :D)

    3. I would absolutely love to do this! It makes reading them a lot more fun I think. And no problem about going slow, After reading 100+ pages of cases for law school everyday, I'm not always in the mood to sit around and read even more, but I think it would be great if we did it in tandem :)

    4. Should I start by sending you an intro letter, and then we can decide what book will be the first? :)

    5. Sounds like a plan to me :) Although, what kind of book would you like to read? (Russian, English, French etc.) Just so we can narrow down our choices and get started sooner!

    6. Sorry, I think I started a new thread accidentally so I'm deleting and reposting. ;)

      I'm pretty neutral about the book's origin. I looked at three different top-100 lists (Radcliffe, Modern Library, The Observer). The #1 in those are The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ulysses by James Joyce, and Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes. The #50s are The Awakening by Kate Chopin, Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller, and Men Without Women by Ernest Hemingway. The #100s are Midnight's Children by Salman Rushdie, The Magnificent Ambersons by Booth Tarkington, and Austerlitz by W. G. Sebald. Any of those appeal for our first read? :)

    7. I would lean towards Ulysses, Don Quixote, or Tropic of Cancer (I had to look that one up, it appeared before the U.S. Supreme Court for being obscene O.o) But those three stick out as good ones. How about you pick one of those and we will go with it?

    8. We can make those our first three then, but I think I'd prefer to start with Tropic of Cancer. I'm fascinated by banned books, and the writing seems pretty accessible to me. But, also, when I just read the first two pages, it talked about it being the twenty-somethingth of October so it seems meant to be. :D (On the other hand, it also starts talking about whale anatomy on the second page too. We get to see if we're mature or, like, twelve! It's going to depend on the day for me.)

      I'll go ahead and write an intro for you this weekend. I'll pick up the book this weekend too so that I can begin discussing it in my second letter. Yeah? :)

    9. Sounds good :) I will see if I can get a copy from the library. And when it comes to whale anatomy, I am always twelve :P but I'm a guy so, I think that is a little more acceptable haha. Looking forward to your letter!

    10. Letter headed your way tomorrow, Carlton! (I'm Tasha, by the way. :D)

    11. Looking forward to it :) I grabbed my copy from the library and read the first few pages. I'm a little red in the face right now haha. We picked a heck of a book for the first one XD

    12. Just started it. Incandescent ovaries! Ha! I also googled kangaroo male anatomy to fact check. I completely could have lived a full life without seeing the photos. :D

      In all seriousness though, are you okay with it being the first book? Does it make it easier knowing I'm happily married and therefore Neutral Friend Territory? :D I do want to read it, but I'll understand if you want to choose one of the other two first. Though, I bet their first 5 pages aren't nearly as entertaining (grin).

      Also, so you have it, my email address is :)

    13. Haha, no, it is a fine first book. Just caught me off guard I guess. Besides, I think that the writing and the thoughts in between some of the, *cough* more descriptive parts, is excellent and can't wait to dive into it. Although it does help to know we won't be offending any sensibilities! So let us continue with it and see if it can keep up the pace it set in those first pages :D

    14. I was distracted by an EE Cummings biography :D, but I've now started getting into Tropic of Cancer. I'm on chapter three. For a book that's pretty stream of consciousness in a lot of ways, it's managing to keep my attention so far. I'm jotting down thoughts about it as I go. :)

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